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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tempat terapi autis di Jaktim nih !

Yayasan Autisma Indonesia
Jl. Cipinang Kebembem I no. 6,
RT014/RW124, Jakarta 13230.
Telp: 021 4751086
Fax: 021 4751086
Dini Center 

Bumi Malaka Asri
Jl. Kemuning IV G2 No. 17
Duren Sawit – Jakarta Timur 13460
Telp. (021) 86609971
Terapi Wicara & Bahasa Sinar Hati 

(Ibu Rani Handayani & Ibu Evi Yuliasih) 
Jl. Tembok No. 42 B – Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 47861604
HP. 0818170574 (Evi)
Kid Autis-KMC 
Dr. Rudy Sutadi, DSA
Konsultasi : JMC
Jl. Buncit Raya No. 15 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7940836 / 37
Terapi : depan Apotik Fiducia
Jl. Otista Raya No. 82 Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 8198691 / 93
Taman Bina Mandiri 

Komp. Pertokoan Pulo Mas Blok III No. 12A
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan
Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 47861604
Perkumpulan Terapis Rumah
Koord. Ibu Ria
Jl. Salak No. 7 Rt. 03/012
Dewi Sartika, Cawang II
Jakarta Timur 13630
HP. 0818931495
Perkumpulan Terapis YASWITA  
Jl. Setia RT. 06/02 No. 29 – Otista I
Jakarta Timur 13330
Telp. (021) 8190014 – Fax. (021) 850762529048337
Mutiara Bunda 

(Ibu Ima) 
Legenda Wisata Ruko Byzantine Blok F A2-3
Cibubur – Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 8236868
HP. 0818490902

(Ibu Evi Sabir Gitawan, BSc.) 
Jl. Pesona Paris C4 No. 27
Kota Wisata Cileungsi Cibubur
Telp. (021) 84933623 – Fax. (021) 84590683
HP. 0818119505
email :
AMG Clinic
(Terapi Wicara dan Motorik)
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HP. 0819 245 3773
email :
website :
Penanggung Jawab : Kurnia Rita, AMd.OT

Monday, March 26, 2012

Resume Perspektif Anak Berbakat , Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Perbedaan Anak Berbakat, Cerdas dan Pintar

  1. ·         Berbakat memiliki komitment yang tinggi pada bidang yang disukainya
  2. ·         Cerdas memiliki taraf intelegency yang tinggi
  3. ·         Pintar atau Pandai Ranking satu karena rajin belajar
  4. ·         Anak Pandai belum yentu berbakat dan belum tentu cerdas
  5. ·         Anak berbakat berarti punya potensi sedangkan anak pintar bisa didapat dari tekun mempelajari ssesuatu

Contoh anak berbakat

·         Edits Stern ( 2 tahun sudah bisa membaca , 3 tahun main catur , 4 tahun dapat memecahkan soal matematika , 12 tahun masuk Michigan University , 15 thn menjadi dosen ilmu kalkulus tingkat tinggi)
·         Danny Jacoby ( 6 tahun kuliah di New York University)
·         Mathew Marcus (12 th mahasiswa penuh di New York University , belajar kalkulus dan ikut riset kimia)
·         Kim Ung Yong ( 4 tahun 8 bulan  menghitung di luar kepala , mengubah sajak dam 4 bahasa , menarik akar kuadrat  dalam beberapa detik)

Mengapa perlunya pendidikan anak berbakat

  • 1.      UUD 1945
  • 2.      Berdasarkan Sk mendikbud RI No.026/U/74 : Tentang pemberian beasiswa dalam rangka program pembinaan bakat dan prestasi
  • 3.      Berdasarkan Sk Mendikbud RI No. 039/U/83 : bakat adalah rangkaian tanda yang dapat dijadikan petunjuk mengenai kemampuan seseorang untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan tertentu memiliki pendidikan dan keterampilan
  • 4.      UU Sisdiknasa no 20 th 2003 Pasal 5 ayat 4 Warga negara yang memiliki potensi kecerdasan dan bakat istimewa berhak memperoleh pendidikan khusus.
  • 5.      Anak berbakat memerlukan program pendidikan berdiferensiansi  sesuai minat dan kemampuan


Bagaimana pendidikan anak berbakat di Indonesia

            Di Indonesia kurikulum nya tidak sesuai dengan yang anak butuhkan , semua nya dipakai.
Di tahun 90-an mereka masih mendapat perhatian penuh, seminar-seminar mengenai anak berbakat, tapi pas adayang baru lagi lupa sepertinya lupa dan mengikuti trend baru di Indonesia.  Tidak satu-satu dibereskan  dulu. Jadi kalau berharap dari pemerintah jadi kesannya kita lama-lama agak kesal. Kalau ada uang oke, kalau tidak ada uang say good bye :D
Jadi calon-calon pendidik yang berkecimpung harus mengetahui mindset ABK. Kita harus mendidik dengan panggilan jiwa dan panggilan hati. Kita sebagai pendidik harus menlayani sepenuh hati. :)

Ciri-ciri anak berbakat ( Martison, 1974)

  • ·         Mampunyai pengamatan yang tajam
  • ·         Dapat berkosentrasi untuk waktu yang panjang ( pada tugas dan minatnya)
  • ·         Berpikir kritis, termasuk terhadap dirinya sendiri ( berfikir sacara detail bukan untuk hari ini saja, tidak gampang puas)
  • ·         Senang mencoba hal-hal yang baru

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I am Sam review version English

Review Movie : I am Sam

I am Sam is an American family drama film released in 2001 as well as written and directed by Jessie Nelson. Tells about a father who suffered mental retarded or mentally impaired named Sam.Sam is played by Sean Penn fighting for custody of their children Lucy, played nicely by a little girl aged young Dakota Fanning. The film, also written by Kristine Johnson is successful the inspiration, motivation and valuable lessons for anyone. Jessie Nelson is a co-writer and producer famous for. Jessie Nelson began his career as a filmmaker when he created a documentary My First Time, which led him to become a directorbergengsi. Jessie was married to a film maker also named Bryan Gordon and lives in Los Angeles with their daughter Molly June Gordon. When the script for this film was written, along with Jessie Nelson Kristine Johnson conducted research on people who have mental retardation such as the character "Sam" in this film. They visited the LA nonprofit organization. This is one reason why the film I am Sam duration of 2 hours is a success. Because they may study the case carefully in advance.

This story begins with a baby girl in Sam's life which he named Lucy Diamond Dawson inspired lyrics The Beatels. Sam is a man who works at a Starbucks Coffee Caffe bearing mental retardation.Some time after the baby was born, his mother left him for granted.With sincere compassion with the ability to care for her baby she is.Shopping for baby gear, wearing diapers, give milk and so do yourself.

Sam has a group of friends who are very good and always helped him in distress. This group consists of Robert, Ifty, Brad, and Joe.Ifty played by actor Doug Hutchinson, her character in this film has a serious attention deficit disorder that has a certain centering in silence and chaos, (ADD) tend to be exaggerated in telling him something. Robert played by actor Stanley DeSantis was very good at figures played an overprotective, paranoid fears or excessive. It can be seen from his guard, examine every behavior that other people do, Sam's lawyer Rita suspects when interviewed, and examined all the activities in the courtroom. Meanwhile, Brad and Joe, actually played by an actor with real mental defect, Joseph Rosenberg (mentally retarded) and Brad Allan Silverman who has Down Syndrome. They have a habit Video Night every Thursday night at Sam's house. Karaoke every Friday Eating together at IHOP every Wednesday. That's a routine they do every week.

One night Lucy was crying uncontrollably and Sam did not know what to do. It was heard by his neighbors are experiencing Annie "Agoraphobic" a condition where a person feels excessive anxiety and panic, or maybe like fear in the crowd. Annie called Sam and asked him what he did to her baby so that he cried like that. Annie finally tells Sam took the baby to his house and gave an explanation of how to feed the baby. That babies need to eat one time per two hours. Annie explains the way that Sam understands that by conditioning the time of the event on television.

            Lucy's getting even bigger day when Sam worked her left Lucy to Annie. Lucy grew into a beautiful and smart girl. Lucy has a capacity of intelligence even more than Sam. He has a genius of questions like why the moon followed her into the house, why there is snow, why do people bald and so on. Sam as a father with the limitations that he has answered sober suit what he thought. Sam mentally retarded as a father to care for, raise and educate his daughter being a daughter is smart, full of great curiosity, and received all his father's lack of sincerity. He was educated by having every night doing school work, reading and even he himself did not trouble to read what you read Lucy's. If Lucy refuses to read he would not be decisive as a father but he did not scold Lucy, he just gave the reason that made her love him why he wanted her to do that.
As a father Sam take care of him with great affection from the heart.Sam always read books that have been memorized, entitled "Green Egg and Ham by Dr.Seuss". Character in the book is also named Sam.

One day while buying school shoes Lucy because she will start school. Sam anya not alone with Lucy, but was accompanied by his friends. They all participate, choose shoes that fit together to Lucy.Here is found a funny scene from the Sam's friends are also experiencing some kind of barrier. Brad offers Lucy two pink colored shoes, one of which is equipped with lights if the Snap. Ifty is equally to give advice to Lucy, she showed a complete pink colored shoes with a philosophy that's why he's picked. Joe is also offered with a calm expression highheel black shoes for the last dewasa.Yang Robert paranoid face offers a shoe for dewasa.Akhirnya Lucy decide and choose their own shoes she likes.
            Here we can see very caring to his friends Sam and Lucy.The climax of this scene is the time of payment of shoes. Sam did not have enough money for the price of the shoes. But his friends help each other by donating money at their disposal in order to achieve price-friend of Sam ditetapkan.Sahabat both in terms of emotional support, personnel and financial. Seeing this, the seller was moved, it looks at all of her facial expressions show. They went home with a balloon that they get from selling shoes.
Sam is a father figure who receives any child good behavior. He did not want to force perfection. Lucy looks at the first day of school and make presentations to the class. Can be distinguished by the father of Lucy's friends at school when her presentation, her son wrong in doing a presentation, his father became angry and punched her to look perfect. It can affect the child's emotions so be good.

That Sam educate her daughter with great affection. Because Lucy is protecting his father, he would not even read a book about why people are different. Lucy has the nature of the wise and understanding, patience and great affection. Lucy can control himself when Sam berserk when they eat together in restaurants other than the usual places they visit. Sam asked as they are commonly eaten foods at IHOP, but the restaurant can not provide.Halloween party at Lucy feels sad and angry that his friends laugh at her father's mentally retarded. But Lucy still loves her father and proud because there are no fathers as capable as his father played to the park and so forth.

The conflict in this film begins when Lucy's surprise birthday party for seven made by Sam aided by his friends and others. When he opened the door she saw her father pushed to fall. His father encouraged by touching Conner to be in a position of surprise. But Conner Sam angry and feel the situation is (mentally retarded) move. Conner's father got angry and pushed him. Conner lied by saying that Lucy tells him that Sam is not his father but he was adopted. Lucy then ran it was not ready with it. It was witnessed by Loretta Devine a woman from social services had met Sam at a police station when Sam caught up with the comfort women case.Assess the social services child protection case that is a pretty serious and needs to be addressed by the state. According to Lucy that the more they grow up to have the foster parents, because Sam is having an IQ below capacity Lucy is under the age of 7 years of raising a child would understand that more intelligent than him. Sam was taken to the social services for further investigation. Lucy was arrested and taken separately. To regain parental rights to Lucy, Sam should hire a lawyer to fight for it.

Sam finds a clever woman lawyer, super busy, a mother who does not have the time with his son and give less attention, a wife who left her husband because of his work. The woman lawyer named Rita Harrison expertly played by actress Michelle Pfeiffer. Rita appeared with a life of luxury and pride. Because of the attitude and arrogance to show his friends he stuck to become a lawyer pro bono (volunteer) to Sam, who at first he was not prepared because Sam can not afford to pay per hour. But Rita finally melted and learn from the life of Sam. He got a valuable lesson for a pro bono attorney for Sam. Rita is very clever answer and give statements in court custody Sam returns to Lucy. Rita gave his services free of charge, to be patient in waiting between the time that it is very solid, trying to find the facts and support for the case with Sam. He tried to get testimony and support from friends about why Sam Sam deserves to be a father of Lucy. But it did not work for the reasons given his friends are not appropriate. He tried to get Sam to find a witness in the graduates of the college or the work is implicitly meant to find someone who has the capacity of people in general who can lead the conversation. Sam asked for help Annie, but Annie's worried she can do it. But because of his love for Lucy finally he comes to trial. Rita is very smart to fight any given opponent Mr statement.Turner, played by Richard Schiff who has a scathing statement that at the end of the trial to question the very corner-statement emosionalan one side to Sam, so Sam lost control and into chaos.In the end they did not succeed to win her custody of Lucy. Custody of Lucy fell into the hands of his adoptive parents Randy Carpenter, played by actress Laura Dern. Because the bond of love anatara parents and children Sam and Lucy are inseparable. Despite his custody has fallen into the hands of others, Sam and Lucy still stay together. Sam finally bought a house near the home of Lucy and foster parents have a dog for a new job is a nurse. Every night, Lucy was still back and forth to his house to climb her window. To the extent that eventually foster parents Randy Lucy Lucy confessed and handed it back to Sam on the condition he continue to participate until the great care of Lucy.
The climax of the film is Sam a futsal match referee in Lucy, attended by all the friends and people who have known Sam. Lucy and Sam make a field goal and took hold Lucy ran for joy. Taking pictures and good music accompanied by supportive atmosphere to be touched and happy.

This film has a good plot, story line focused. The words of a remarkable dialogue that has the essence of its own. Ranging from taking pictures by cammeramen, emotionally evocative music and actor actor who plays each character very well. Any scene that has become a key teaching of the meaning and the beauty of this film.Dialogue and meaningful words in this film, and played by actors who are able to manage her role very well, seemed to bring us into this fim. Animated pictures, music and its a very good camera supporting the success of this film. In every scene that displayed nothing in vain all have the essence of its own. So the film can be nominated in the Academy Award and deliver the main actor Sean Penn the best actor in a AcademyAward, and Dakota Fanning also be the best for the best young actrees Peformance.

Unfortunately, this film makes me a little confused on the story as Sam's wife Rebecca was or not. And Lucy was the biological child of Sam or Lucy is a child of the pregnant women who have been found. One thing that puzzles me is the group of friends Sam consisting of five people, Sam, Ifti, Joe, Robert, and Brad. But at night the first video to Sam when Lucy comes first in his house there are 5 friends who were visiting that seems to have Down syndrome as well as Brad. Yet at the entrance to his house the first time there were only four people standing there, but in the end when Sam sat the room they are 5 and 6 with Sam. That's what makes me a bit confused and did not explain who the film is named sodium absorption ratio. He said that Lucy looks very pretty.

This movie teaches how to parent their children. Here can be seen how the intellectual capacity or IQ does not hamper one's affection given parents to their children, as well as compassion for others. He would hug her setiapp seen crying. As expressed by Lucy when Mr.Turner provide a statement that he would get more than what his father gave. "All you need is love". This staple of every child who grew up loving parents is needed. And a mentally retarded memeberikan not blocked it ..
I am sam is a picture of the lives of the mentally retarded or mentally impaired and dyslexic. He was seen as a gaping behavior when thinking, yelling and spinning as well as repeat-ngulang said. He is also hard to read when reading the textbook's Lucy.
We should learn from Sam and his colleagues. Those who experience a barrier provided by the creator can do the activity with pleasure and without complaint. With the limitations that they have they have a purely humanitarian spirit, helping each other with sincerity that they have souls.
            Overall I am sam is giving a message to parents and teachers, how to become a good educator or goodparent it is about its constancy, and its about patience, and its about listening and its about pretending to listen when you can Aven ' t listen anymore, and its about love. An excerpt of the said Sam while fighting for custody in court against her daughter. That's about the courage and loyalty, patience in educating and caring, listening and pretending to listen even when you can not hear at all, and it's about love and affection that is given to the child's genuine. Not limited by the intellectual capacity (IQ) person.

The film stirred my heart and strengthen the education departmentto be exceptional. I am sure of this because the department still needed a lot of people here to help them fight for the rights of people with special needs. In addition to getting the job easier forteachers to exceptional schools at this time is needed, I wanted to feel how to teach the truth benarnya.Karena encouragement andsupport from my teachers would prefer to leave the department of nutrition and special education majors. family initially refused buteventually had to give permission and support. Because while visiting my friend's house, there happened to his house beside the school SLB C Tunagrahita. I saw the condition of underprivilegedschool. Starting from the facilities, teachers and even methods ofteaching. Seeing them learn and be taught the teacher I was interested to come teach them.

Paradigm of society towards people with special needs is still bad,such as books and some movies I've watched this mengenaispecialneeds. That's why I tried to convince everyone that asked to changetheir perceptions of these people. I vowed to always be on this path,and continue it to a higher level when finished later. I also intend toexamine how the state special education outside of Indonesia.
Of family support and I am sure teachers with these majors.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We are special education teacher for the specialist one (Menjadi Special untuk yang Special

Menjadi Spesial Untuk yang Spesial
          Tulisan ini untuk membangkitkan motivasi kita sebagai calon guru bagi anak – anak berkebutuhan khusus.
            Kehilangan penglihatan sekaligus pendengaran yang dialami Hellen Keller merupakan suatu hal yang berat jikalau menimpa kita.  Hellen Keller sudah tidak asing lagi ditelinga orang pada umumnya terkhusus untuk mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan luar biasa. Kehilangan fungsi indra. Apalagi hal itu terjadi disaat kita sudah melihat dan mengetahui seperti apa dunia ini. Bagaimana tidak satu indra sangat berharga sekali. Apalagi kita kehilangan kemampuan fungsi dari dua indera. Sungguh cobaan yang luar biasa hebat.
          Hal itu pun juga menimpa salah seorang anak di Indonesia ini . Awan begitulah panggilan yang diberikan orangtuanya yang menjadi partnert saya baru beberapa hari ini. Lengkapnya Awan Aditia seorang anak berusia 10 tahun yang kehilangan kemampuan penglihatan dan pendengarannya di usia 4 tahun. Awan di vonis dokter menderita Sindrom Cruzon. Sejenis Sindrom yang membuat penderitanya kehilangan kemampuan fungsi dari panca inderanya.  Sindroma Crouzon adalah kelainan atau mutasi genetik yang menyebabkan kerangka kepala tidak tumbuh sebagaimana mestinya. Kelainan ini membuat kerangka kepala tidak bisa tumbuh normal dan mengakibatkan bagian wajah tampak rata. Biasanya jarak mata kanan dan kiri agak berjauhan dan menonjol seolah mau keluar. Hal ini disebebkan karena terlalu cepatnya penyatuan satura (pada ubun-ubun) di kepala sewaktu bayi.
          Saat usia 2/3 tahun karena sindrom itulah kemampuan panca indra Awan ini semakin hari memburuk. Sampai-sampai dia juga kehilangan kemampuan penciumannya. Awan sampai susah bernafas kalau sedang tertidur. Karena kalau tidur organ organ penciumannya yang otomatis juga berfungsi untuk proses pernapasan tidak berfungsi. Jadi setiap beberapa waktu ibunya akan membangunkannya untuk bernafas. Terbayangkan bagaimana jadi dia? Beruntung Awan lahir dari keluarga yang bisa dibilang lahir di keluarga ekonomi yang lumayan lah. Orangtuanya mengantarkan dia ke dokter kesana-kemari . Namun tidak ada penjelasan yang jelas tentang apa yang diderita Awan tersebut. Akhirnya dia dibawa ke rumah sakit di Surabaya, disana awan ditangani khusus oleh dokter-dokter dari Australi dan disana lah dia didiagnosa sindrom cruzon. Setelah diketahui Awan disarankan untuk sesegera mungkin mengadakan operasi di kepalanya. “Hal ini sudah bisa dibilang terlambat”,tutur ayah Awan kepada saya. Karena seharusnya dia dioperasi dari dulu sebelum sindrom ini melumpuhkan kemampuan indranya. Namun hal itu sudah terlanjur . Tapi dengan begitu, Awan masih bisa dioperasi. Dan pengoperasiannya pun disarankan dilakukan di Australi. Awan pun dibawa ke Australi untuk  dioperasi. Awan melakukan operasi  pertama dan memberikan kemajuan yang bagus , Awan bisa kembali mendapatkan indra pembauannya. Tidak cukup sekali,Awan harus melakukan beberapa kali operasi lagi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal. Dia didampingi Ayhnya berada di Australi selama 6 bulan. Disana Ayahnya diberikan pelatihan oleh terapis dan guru-guru speciall needs disana bagaimana cara menangani kasus anak seperti ini, diajarkan orientasi mobilitasnya dan sebagainya. Terlihat sekali wajah kekaguman Ayah Awan menegenai pelayanan di negara seberang tersebut saa t bercerita.Mereka di Australi samapi Awan sudah melakukan 4 kali operasi dan kemajuannya sangat jauh sekali dari yang berumur 4 tahun saat sebelum dioperasi. Namun sayang untuk mengembalikan fungsi indra penglihatan sepenuhnya utuh kembali sudah tidak bisa. Karena menurut dokter sudah terlambat ditangani saat dia berumur sebelum 4 tahun. Alhamdulillah Awan masih memiliki sisa penglihatan sedikit sekali untuk mengenal bayangan saja. Jika Sindrom ini terlambat untuk ditangani, mungkin akan sangat membahayakan sekali. Dan lebih sudah menjangkit indra-indra lainnyya dan lebih parah lagi.Untuk itu Awan harus menjalani operasi lagi nanti umur 14 tahun untuk perbaikan bentuk kepalanya. Kepalanya berukuran sedikit besar dan ada lengkungan dalam di kedua belah sisinya. Ayahnya memperlihatkan foto nya ketika sebelum di operasi sebelum berusia 4 tahun dari dompetnya  dibawah ini.

Foto itu saat Awan masih bisa melihat seperti orang awas lainnya, tapi indera penciumannya sudah terganggu. Kata ayahnya saat itu bibir nya susah mengatup. Namun setelah dilakukan operasi  banyak perubahan, seperti indra penciumannya berfungsi kembali, indera pendengarannya sudah bisa dipulihkan kembali meski tidak sepenuhnya optimal,dan juga sudah bisa mengendalikan gerak bibirnya. Dan sekarang dia sudah bisa memberikan senyuman yang manis itu. J
 Dan ini foto Awan baru baru ini bersama ayahnya

          Disini saya dapat melihat semangat belajarnya Awan. Awan yang bersekolah di salah satu SLB di Jakarta Timur ini sudah terbiasa dengan kondisinya yang seperti ini. Kelasnya yang berada di lantai dua harus melewati tangga dia bisa lakukan sendiri dan bisa menulis serta membaca dengan cepat dan lancar. Namun untuk matematika atau perhitungan dia masih lambat tapi tidak pernah salah, hampir 98% semua soal dijawab benar tapi hanya saja lambat. Untuk itu dia harus diberikan metode pembelajaran yang bisa membuat dia cepat untuk berhitung.  Ayahnya yang setia selalu mendampinginya setiap hari meski begitu dia terlihat mandiri untuk melakukan aktivitas kesehariannya.
          Saya pun sempat terkejut saat mendampingi dia OM . Dia diberikan penutup mata karena masih memiliki sedikit sisa penglihatan. Setelah OM selesai , dia langsung membuka penutup matanya dan berkata “pusing pake ini” dan langsung berlari dengan cepat ke kelasnya. “Awaaan.. kamu kok jalan cepat sekali, kamu bisa liat dengan jelas??”, kata saya. “Tidak kak, saya sudah  terbiasa disini, jadi sudah tau arah-arahnya”, jawab Awan.
Suatu ketika Awan pernah berkata dia ingin berhasil makanya dia belajar dengan giat. Setelah satu pelajaran selesai, dia langsung semangat untuk pelajaran berikutnya. Berjalan dengan lancar kesana kemari  di sekolahnya. Anaknya ceria dan semangat.  Dia senang dengan hal yang berhubungan dengan musik terutama piano. Ayahnya mengatakan Awan suka sesuatu yang real dan logis. Dia senang nonton berita dengan mendengarkan televisi.  Selain itu dia suka mendengarkan radio.Awan sekarang kelas 4 SD dan sejauh ini dia mempunyai prestasi yang baik. Kamu selalu semangat belajar ? iya kak, semangat. Luar biasa kekagumanku terhadap kegigihannya. Meski suatu waktu dia pernah memeperlihatkan wajah kesedihannya saat saya menanyakan masa kecilnya. “Saya tuh, udah berobat kemana-mana kak”, itu kata yang paling teringat di kepalaku. Saya merasa malu karena kalah semangat belajarnya dengan seorng anak usia 10 tahun yang memiliki keterbatasan. Hari-hari ini memberikan motivasi tersendiri untuk saya agar semakin serius menjadi calon guru bagi anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus. 

Sri Hildayati

Monday, March 19, 2012

Resume Perspektif anak berbakat pertemuan ke 4

Pengertian Bakat, Kemampuan, Prestasi dan Kecerdasan
·         Bakat (Aptitude)
Kemampuan bawaan atau khusus (spesifik)  yang dibawa sejak lahir , sebagai potensi yang masih perlu dikembangkan dan dilatih agar dapat terwujud.
·         Kemampuan ( Abiity)
Daya untuk melakukan tindakan sebagai hasil dari pembawaan dan latihan
Kemampuan menunjukan suatu tindakan (performance) dapat dilakukan sekarang, sedangkan bakat memerlukanlatihan dan pendidikan agar bakat  tersebut dapat dimanifestasikan di masayang akan datang.
·         Perwujudan dari bakat dan kemampuan
Prestasi yang menonjol dalam salah satu bidang mencerminkan bakat yang menonjol dalam bidang tersebut
·         Jadi bakat dan kemampuan menentukan prestasi seseorang

Kecerdasan atau Intelegency
Menurut Weschler : Kumpulan atau keselururhan kapasitas seseorang untuk bertindak secara sengaja , beerfikir secara rasional dan bertindak secara efektif  terhadap lingkungan

Jadi Intelegency suatu kemampuan mental yang dibawa oleh individu sejak lahir dan dapat digunakan untuk menysuaikan diri di dalam lingkungan yang baru ,m serta untuk memecahkan problem-problem yang dihadapi dengan cepat dan tepat.

Hubungan Intelegency dengan bakat
Adalah positif apabila seseorang memilii IQ yang tinggi danmemiliki bakat dalam bidang tertentu maka dengan IQ tinggi tersebut ia akan dapat mencapai hasil lebih tinggi pula secara kuantitas dan kualitas

Pendapat ahli mengenai anak Genius
H.J Baker dalam bukunya Introduction to Exceptional Children
Anak genius dengan IQ 170-200 memiliki kecerdasan luar biasa tetapi kepribadian nya belum tentu terintregasi dengan baik.
Bahkan kadang merugikan ,hidupnya mengalami kegagalan ,karena kurang mendapat pengarahan dan pelayanan yang sesuai dengan kecerdasannya

Dengan data itu justru anak genius justru lebih sering mengalami kesulitan dalam hidupnya karena perkembangan pribadinya tidak seimbang.
